Showing posts with label Lewisia cotyledon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lewisia cotyledon. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bloom Day, May 2012

May is certainly the month Longview Ranch bursts into flower. In addition to some long-blooming shrubs, many perennials are now doing their spring thing, adding eclectic color and texture to the mix.

I love Ceanothus, but for space reasons I had only one for years. Recently, I found Ceanothus 'Joan Mirov', a lower-growing smaller-leaved variety with deep blue flowers. It's still in its nursery pot, but lovely in bloom!

Ceanothus thyrsiflorus 'Victoria' is much closer to bloom, but right now it still looks about like I showed it in April, with a couple of open blossoms sprinkled here and there.

Regular readers of this blog know I am not a big fan of the hybrid tea roses I inherited with the garden. But to document, and for the Mulch Man, who is quite fond of them, here are two just coming into bloom along our sidewalk.

I'm more enthusiastic about several other roses I actively grow.  A semi-climber, 'Sally Holmes' is just beginning to bloom across our wide brick chimney.

 I found a ladybug helping keep the aphids in check on 'Sally'.

My other sentimental rose is 'Perle d'Or', a polyantha rose given to us years ago as a cutting by Great Aunt Jenny. It's a pretty peachy-pink color, with slim, strappy center petals.

The story goes that Great Uncle Carleton would tuck one of its perfect little rosebuds in his lapel each morning on his way to work as a railway conductor.

We're awash in a sea of Helianthemum. The dark orange flowers are 'Henfield Brilliant' and the apricot-colored flowers are 'Cheviot'.

Trachycarpus fortunei has six blooms this year. Later, when they have completely unfolded, I'm planning a separate post on these strange and unearthly flowers.

Potentilla 'McKay's White has popped.

Lewisia cotyledon, a sweet PNW native.

Helianthemum 'Ben Nevis'.

Sedum spathulifolium 'Cape Blanco'.

Sedum spurium 'Tricolor'.

The inherited Camellia japonicas are still in bloom. This is their second Bloom Day appearance this year. They can't last much longer, especially with the hot, dry weather we have this week.

Enjoying an even longer run are Vaccinium ovatum 'Thunderbird', the evergreen huckleberries. This is their third consecutive Bloom Day in full flower.

The last few fresh flowers on the Cornus 'Eddies White Wonder'.

In the rain earlier this month, it was a frothy little wedding cake of blossoms.

I love the way the Calla lilies peek over the window so I can even see them when I'm sitting inside.

Penstemon subserratus (Fine-tooth Penstemon), a Pacific Northwest native adding welcome color to the mostly green "Northwest Territory" area of our garden.

Cistus x obtusifolius, loving the sun.

After four long years in the garden, I was getting a little cranky about lack of bloom on the Acanthus mollis. Finally this year, flower spikes! All is forgiven.

And last, in anticipation of fresh snap peas, I show some quiet but deliciously promising pea flowers.

Click over to visit our host Carol, at May Dreams Gardens, to see what else is blooming this lovely May day.

Happy Bloom Day!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Nursery loot

This summer I've filled up my extra garden bed space with a mixture of vegetables, and annuals like sunflowers. But when harvest is done, I know there will be some holes in the garden. So I've been on a modest plant-buying binge.

While my brother was visiting from Pennsylvania, we went to Cistus and I acquired its namesake above: Cistus x obtusifolia. The tag says "masses of white flowers." Sounds good to me.

I also picked up a little Delosperma congesta 'Gold Nugget', but with no flowers on it it looks just like any little triangular sedum.

Being unable to resist most things in the manzanita family, I fell for arctostaphylos x Martha Ewan, above, at Cistus. She's a little smaller and better sized for the spot where I planted her larger cousin, arctostaphylos Austin Griffiths. I'll move him and put her in his place.

I stopped in at Pomarius for the first time last Friday and had a nice time looking at all the offerings. Since I wasn't going home and I didn't want lots of plants baking in the hot car, I confined myself to just one plant - this sweet little Lewisia cotyledon. It would look great in our native alpine area, but will probably end up in the south bed.

Last, but certainly not least, I hit the Hardy Plant Society fall sale. I think I showed remarkable restraint in only buying three plants. Above, Eucomis comosa 'Oakhurst'. I'm not quite sure where this should go yet, but after seeing the gorgeous eucomis at Danger Garden, I had to have at least one.

I went to the HPSO sale looking for Luzula of any kind, but no luck there. I found a few growers that have them at their nurseries, though. Instead, I ended up with two Carex morrowii 'Evergold' to brighten up my front porch this winter.

Now I'll just be patient (maybe) while the vegetables finish out the season, and the weather cools down enough for planting all this loot.
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