Showing posts with label grevilla. Show all posts
Showing posts with label grevilla. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Who came home with me

I've been to two big garden shows in two weeks and I think I showed remarkable restraint in purchasing plants and bulbs. So what did I buy?
Agave gentryii 'Jaws' begged to come home with me. See the sad, yellowed leaf? He was like the quiet little kitten you just had to adopt because you were afraid no one else would. Even with his yellow leaf, this little guy's spines look like very serious business. I hope I can nurse him back to glossy, green health this summer.

Speaking of little, this petite trio of Haworthias will have to be indoors-only pets. Native to South Africa, most are hardy only to zone 9 or 10. I'll be planting them together in a flat dish so they can live in our sunny breakfast room. From left to right are h. attenuata  'zebra', h. greenii and h. attenuata cv 'lime green'.

Along with a perfectly prosaic culinary thyme plant
(I went all the way to Seattle for that, right?)
I also needed the lime green sedum Angelina (way in the back) as a contrasting ground cover in my garden.

The abutilon is Red Tiger. I was concerned about how it would fare in zone 8 and the grower gave me some great advice: "It will get to about four feet this summer, so just grow it, enjoy it, and then let it go."
At just $6, that didn't seem fiscally irresponsible, so I bought it. The flowers are small, but a beautiful dark orange with yellow veins.

At the front is ceanothus Diamond Heights. I love ceanothus and was swayed by its gorgeous variegation, but it is zone 9, so a pot and protection in winter is in order.

I showed these blossoms for Bloom Day yesterday, but perhaps you're curious to see the whole plant. Here's the Scilla natalensis. Its bulb and unusual leaves are as intriguing to me as the flower spike.

This particular Grevilla juniperina is also known as 'Lava Cascade'. I read it had been sold for quite a few years as  'Low Red', but somebody decided that just wasn't sexy enough, so they began marketing it as 'Lava Cascade.' I kind of like 'Low Red' myself - sounds more Australian.

I also bought a Trillium erectum bulb and a Helenium 'Moerheim Beauty' root, but there's not much to see there!

That's my show booty.
So who's coming home with you this month?

Monday, February 15, 2010

Bloom Day, February 15, 2010

It's the 15th of the month, the day garden bloggers share what's blooming in their gardens. Thanks for visiting to see what's blooming in the GardenTrip's garden today.
 Old faithful rosemary. But what a great blue bloom against its sage-green leaves. I never tire of this one.

Several camellia japonicas were here when we bought the house. They are showing lots of color, but not yet opening wide.

I should be grateful for their color at this time of year: it's a huge (some might say overwhelming?) amount of pink when it happens.

The dwarf sarcoccoa is still in bloom, and sending its pungent scent into the garden. This is an excellent small selection: sarcoccoca hookeriana var. humilis.

Archtostaphylos 'Austin Griffiths' is blooming with its characteristic urn-shaped flowers.
I'm cheating with these last two plants, since I bought them just two days ago at the Portland Yard Garden and Patio show. But next year they'll be legitimate February bloomers in my garden, I hope.
Above is grevilla juniperina 'Low Red'. It looks like a rosemary, but those "leaves" are as prickly as a cactus! I love the spiky red flowers. 'Low Red' will grow about five feet wide but only 18 inches high – the perfect ground cover under my olive tree.
This is scilla natalensis. I fell for its fat, bulbous base and the tall bloom spike already starting to color. I'm looking forward to seeing just what emerges!
Happy Bloom Day! Visit Carol at May Dreams Gardens to see what else is in bloom around the world today.

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